Hello. I’m an artist & designer living in beautiful rural Massachusetts. I provide for elegant, witty visual creative content, my drawing, watercolor and gouache having seen use in editorial, brochure, poster, packaging, publishing and advertising. Beside my traditional illustrative work in pen and brush, I have held a parallel vocation as a production designer working in a relentless deadline dominated environment at the pinnacle of the mercantile art world.

I started my career as a freelance illustrator in London and after emigrating to the states segued into production design, working in NY for BORN Group on the contract for the great auction house Sotheby’s where, from 2018 to June 2021, I was head of layout for Sotheby’s NY catalogue production.

If you are looking for original illustrative content, whatever the media, or if you are looking for somebody to head up a team to create full-on multi-volume case-bound publications: these are what I’m good at. And, indeed, all points between.


(2006-Present) Free agent

(1998-2005) American Artists Rep. Inc., New York

(1992-2003) Fleming Assoc. Illustrators’ Agents, London


Exeter College of Art & Design (UK) B.A. (Hons) Graphic Design,  Illustration

Ipswich School of Art (Suffolk College, UK) D.A.T.E.C. diploma in General Art & Design


“I will always be thankful that I had the opportunity to work with Andrew for over a decade. After the first time I worked with him on a big project, I insisted he be a creative lead in all ongoing projects from that point on. Andrew always had a strong work ethic and particularly a vision for a project that most people just can’t conceive of or make into a reality. My successes were a big part attributed to Andrew.”

Elaine Whitmire
Past Vice Chairman, Executive Vice President, Sotheby’s Americas

“Knowing that andrew was going to be working on a catalogue always brought a sense of relief and calm at the end of what had often been a frenetic few weeks. I appreciated his sense of design and page balance, but also his willingness to listen to my ideas and to try to make them workable.”

Selby Kiffer
International Senior Specialist, Sotheby’s

“From the initial client meeting to hammering the last lot, the one constant presence throughout a decade of single-owner sales was Andrew Condron calmly and masterfully making our creative visions come to life. Any sale, no matter what the content, no matter how tight the timeline, I knew would be beautiful and perfect when trusted to Andrew’s keyboard and mouse artistry. We simply could not have achieved our stellar landmark single-owner collections sales without the renowned catalogues created from his skill, humor, and patience.”

Tanya Hayes
Former Assistant Vice President, Single-Owner Collections, Sotheby’s

“We always breathed easier at deadlines when andrew designed our catalogs.”

Richard Austin
Head of Department, Books, Sotheby’s


Production Management